How would you like to take a vacation from your blog? A real vacation where you didn’t have to worry about posting, emails, payments, or making money. I take a few each year, thanks to my rockstar team at The Happy Housewife. A few years ago I realized something needed to change because I couldn’t […]
Suggestions for Onboarding Site Contributors
In the hangout this week we talked about hiring Virtual Assistants (VA’s). If you’re considering adding contributors, or want to think about how to work with your current team better, it is a good chat to watch. In the discussion we talked about forms that your VA should complete. I personally have my entire team […]
How I’m Saving Almost an Hour a Day with One Small Change
Last month I installed Rescue Time on my computer because I wanted to track exactly how I was spending my time. Time is something that everyone has the same amount of, but it is how we use it that determines our successes or failures. When I checked my Rescue Time reports I was spending a […]
Distracted Living
Two weeks ago, I was sitting in the San Antonio airport waiting for a flight out for a business trip. I found myself thumbing through Facebook and the “my child almost drowned because I’m too distracted” headline practically jumped out of the phone. I clicked through to the post on Scary Mommy and proceeded to […]
Help Wanted!
Position Available Hours: 10-14 a day/ 7 days a week Holidays: None Vacations: None for the first three years Benefits: None Travel: Conferences several times a year, all at your own expense Pay: Nothing for the first year, minimum wage after the first year Would you take this job? I wouldn’t, but many people have taken […]